Here you can find a collection of images that embody the creative piece of me that just must. Some of them nourish my searching soul, some awaken reality in me, some challenge security and comfort, some replenish broken ideas, some contest existing issues, and some simply capture a beautiful moment in a single life.

When we try to explain the art we create, we shove it in a box it was never meant to exist within and strip away the mystery that comes from just letting it speak on its own.

I've always loved writing and have spurts where I have a lot to say. It usually just floods in, uncontrollably, sprinting to get out of my fingertips. There's so much to be said and seemingly, to me, everything feels like a muse for something greater and bolder and more impactful than what it simply seems at face value.
This picture quite literally looks like her face is sitting on her reflection. That makes me think we do that, as humans, constantly. In specific instances, it seems as if our reflection is exhausting itself chasing us, battling to catch up with our eyes and show us who we are, what we're doing, the impact it's all having on everything surrounding us. It creeps up from any angle it can, desperately hoping to lock us in and give us a glimpse of who we are in a moment.
Allowing it feels scary, raw, honest, overwhelming, refreshing, and ultimately-empowering. Our reflection catching up to us is the only place in which growth can truly thrive. We have to start being more honest, first with ourselves and then with others. Raw is beautiful. So so beautiful.
MUA: Hannah O'Neal

No matter where you are or what's moving fast around you, stop and take a second to let it flood in. Go out and explore. Venture into new places with eyes ready to see and ears willing to hear. Be present. Absorb. Fill your cup.

Maybe "seeing color" isn't the problem, but actually the solution... Everything isn't meant to be so black and white. Choose love.